SAP VIRSA Tool Overview

Versatile Innovative Risk and Security Administration (VIRSA)
Virsa's Risk Assessment Tool (VRAT)
– Virsa is a SAP Software Partner. VRAT can be purchased and supported directly from SAP
– VRAT is an ABAP-based tool, runs within SAP and is delivered to the customer as a SAP Add-On SAP software
– Install using the transaction code SAINT
Versatile Innovative Risk and Security Administration (VIRSA)
Virsa's Risk Assessment Tool (VRAT)

– Virsa is a SAP Software Partner. VRAT can be purchased and supported directly from SAP
– VRAT is an ABAP-based tool, runs within SAP and is delivered to the customer as a SAP Add-On SAP software
– Install using the transaction code SAINT
– Segregation of Duties (SOD) Analysis Tool.
– SAP Security Audit.
– Can be used to identify potential SOD issues before assigning new role to the user.
– Produces SOD analytical reports (both Summary and Detail) against users, user groups, roles and profiles.
– Uses simulations.
– No need of a separate hardware or software to download and manipulate data.

Why VRAT..?
Segregation of Duty (SOD) Concept

SOD is primary internal control to prevent the risk, identify problem and take corrective action.
Achieved by assuring no single individual has control over all phases of business transactions.
Covers 4 general categories of duties:
– Authorization
– Custody
– Record Keeping
– Reconciliation
In an ideal system, different employees perform different operations.
In other words, no single employees should have control over two or more of these responsibilities.
Specially, when dealing with Cash, negotiable checks and inventories.
SOD is quiet challenging in small organizations.
Some example of inconsistent SOD:
– Creating and approving POs
– Receiving checks and approving write-offs
– Depositing cash in Bank and reconciling bank statements.

VRAT helps automating all SOD related activities.
Define and Monitor all SOD related conflicts.
Proactive prevention of SOD conflicts.
Using Mitigating Controls.
Navigating VRAT
Once installed, VRAT can be accessed via tcode /N/VIRSA/ZVRAT.
