SPAD Device formats contain comands that are used to set features like font, font size, character set, orientation, margins, and vertical/horizontal spacing. If you are using SAPWIN, some common commands are:
\e%SAPWIN%: change to SAPWIN command set
\eWxxx;: change to character set xxx
\eFFONTNAME;: set to font FONTNAME
\ePP;: set to orientation P (Portrait)
\eSxxxX: set fontsize to zzz (where 200 = 10.0 pt, 240 = 12.0 pt)
\elx;: set vertical spacing to x lines per inch
\ecxx.y;: set horizontal spacing to xx.y (e.g. 12.0) chars per inch
\eMTxxx;: set top margin to xxx (where 567 = 1.0cm)
\eMLxxx;: set left margin to xxx (where 567 = 1.0cm)
SPAD Device formats
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Ditulis Oleh : SAP BASIS ADMINISTRATION Hari: 8:59 AM Kategori: list of SPAD Device formats