During Archiving Customizing, you set parameters that affect the execution of data archiving. Customizing is structured into the following areas (examples are given for each):
• General Customizing (Basis Customizing)
– Defining logical path and file names
• Cross-archiving object Customizing
– Define the server group for background processing
• Archiving Object-Specific Customizing
– Sizeofanarchive file
– Settings for the delete program
You can call the Customizing settings by choosing the Customizing button on the initial screen of transaction SARA (Archive Administration,
– Defining logical path and file names
• Cross-archiving object Customizing
– Define the server group for background processing
• Archiving Object-Specific Customizing
– Sizeofanarchive file
– Settings for the delete program
You can call the Customizing settings by choosing the Customizing button on the initial screen of transaction SARA (Archive Administration,
menu path Tools → Administration → Administration → Data Archiving).
In the general Customizing (Basis Customizing, switch to the transaction FILE), you first define - if it does not already exist - a logical file path as the global path for data archiving and assign a physical path to this logical path. The logical path acts only as a placeholder for the physical path created at runtime.
You also maintain a logical file name here for naming the archive file for the archiving of application data and assign it a physical file name that is generated at runtime and used as the file name.
In Cross-Archiving Object Customizing, you can specify, among other things, whether the data archiving monitor in CCMS monitoring (transaction RZ20) should be active, or which server group is selected for background processing (this setting is new as of SAP Web Application Server 6.10).
In Archiving Object-Specific Customizing, you maintain a logical file name for the specific archiving object and settings for the delete program. You can set whether the delete program is to be automatically executed after the creation of an archive file. In this area, you also create a variant for the test run and a variant for the production run, and specify the maximum size of an archive file, among other things.
In the general Customizing (Basis Customizing, switch to the transaction FILE), you first define - if it does not already exist - a logical file path as the global path for data archiving and assign a physical path to this logical path. The logical path acts only as a placeholder for the physical path created at runtime.
You also maintain a logical file name here for naming the archive file for the archiving of application data and assign it a physical file name that is generated at runtime and used as the file name.
In Cross-Archiving Object Customizing, you can specify, among other things, whether the data archiving monitor in CCMS monitoring (transaction RZ20) should be active, or which server group is selected for background processing (this setting is new as of SAP Web Application Server 6.10).
In Archiving Object-Specific Customizing, you maintain a logical file name for the specific archiving object and settings for the delete program. You can set whether the delete program is to be automatically executed after the creation of an archive file. In this area, you also create a variant for the test run and a variant for the production run, and specify the maximum size of an archive file, among other things.
The following figure illustrates the relationship between the name of the archiving object and the stored logical and physical file and path name.