How to check whether CUA is used?

How to check whether CUA is used?

How do you find if CUA is used in a system?

Run transaction SU01 and see if the "Systems" tab is available. If "Systems" tab is available then CUA has been configured.

Transactions to verify if CUA is used?

Run transaction SCUA to see if there are distribution models defined or run transaction SCUL to view logs that might have been generated by the use of CUA.

If a user logs in the parent client and hits su01 he can find the SYSTEM tab in the options to make sure that CUA is configured in the system, but what if he logs in to any of the child systems, being in child system we can find if CUA is configured , hit SU01 T-code here an CREATE activity is not seen then he can make sure that CUA is configured and he has logged in to a child system in CUA.


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