28 - What is the user name and password for the R/3 System data dictionary administrator in a newly installed system (Clients 000 and 001)?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. User name: SAP*, password: ddic
B. User name: DDIC, password: init
C. User name: DDIC, password: manager
D. User name: DDIC, password: 06071992
E. User name: DDIC, password: 19920706
29 - Which of the following is true in terms of configuring the R/3 Enqueue Service?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. Each R/3 instance may have a locally running enqueue service.
B. The host where the enqueue service runs is defined in the startup profile.
C. There must be exactly 1 enqueue service per SAP System.
D. The enqueue service must be installed on the R/3 Central instance.
30 - Which table must be empty after an SAP Upgrade has finished?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
31 - After an ABAP/4 Dictionary object has been modified, what must be done before it is usable by application programs?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. It must be transported to all the other R/3 hosts.
B. It must be copied to all other R/3 clients.
C. It must be activated.
D. The R/3 instance must be restarted to flag the program's availability.
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