34 - Which of the following is NOT true concerning the SPDD transaction?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. ABAP/4 Dictionary objects are adjusted during an upgrade using the SPDD transaction.
B. Transaction SPDD should be executed as soon as the R3up upgrade control program indicates.
C. The objects affected by SPDD adjustments are domains, data elements, and tables.
D. SPDD adjustments are not necessary unless changes have been made to the SAP standard ABAP/4 Dictionary objects. Objects in the customer name range are not processed.
E. All SPDD adjustments should be done by the R/3 System user DDIC and not by a normal user.
35 - Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the SPAU transaction?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. After completion of an upgrade, you have a limited time period for executing transaction SPAU without needing an SSCR key for adjusted objects.
B. Adjustment of ABAP/4 Repository objects is carried out with the help of the SPAU transaction.
C. The R3up program instructs the user to start SPAU at the end of an upgrade.
D. Objects adjusted by SPAU should be saved to a single change request for transport to subsequent systems.
E. Adjustment of ABAP/4 Dictionary objects (domains, data elements, and tables) is done using the SPAU transaction.
36 - To perform any modification in an R/3 System (release 3.0), the modification must be registered with the SAP Software Change Registration (SSCR).
Which of the following DOES NOT apply to SSCR?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. Developers must be registered in the SAP OSS System.
B. All modifications must be registered in the OSS System.
C. The customer's R/3 System must have a correctly installed SAP license.
D. The customer must fax an object modification request to SAP.
E. The R/3 installation number for the system must be valid.
37 - Which of the following is NOT true of the SAP Enhancement Concept?
Click on the button next to the right answer.
A. It allows customers to add their own functionality to SAP standard business applications.
B. Program and menu exits are a fundamental component of the Enhancement Concept.
C. SAP has created user exits for specific programs, screens, fields and menus within the standard R/3 applications.
D. Customers may create their own exits without notifying SAP because the user exits lie in the customer name range.
E. Exits do not exist for all programs, screens and menues.
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