Client Adminsitration
Client is an independent business unit within an R/3 system.
R/3 data is divided into two types
1)Client dependent - > Customizing data, Application data & user data. This contains client specific data.
2)Client independent --> ABAP programs and R/3 Repository objects. This data is available throughout the entire system. Enterprise IMG is a client independent.
Client is represented by a three digit number and the client is recognized by a key field ‘MANDT’ in the table ‘T000’.
SAP provides three standard clients for Non IDES version: 000, 001, 066 and for IDES -> 000, 001, 066, 800. Don’t use these standard clients.
000 -> reference client with complete society model and with sample data. Used for administrative purpose. No changes should be made in this client. Used as template for additional clients.
001 -> Copy of 000. Used for customizing and for test purpose.
066 - > SAP remote services. Special client used by SAP personnel for preventive maintenance. EARLYWATCH/support is the user and default password.
800 à contains IDES data.
000 & 001 comes with standard users SAP*/06071992 and DDIC/19920706.
Change those standard passwords for security reasons by checking RSUSR003 report in SA38 as a post client copy process.
Client Copy Tools
Client maintenance SCC4
Client copy SCCL Local Client Copy
SCC9 Remote Client Copy
Special Functions SCC5 Deleting a client
SCC1 Copying a client in base to transport Request
SCU0 Comparing tables between clients
In order to delete a client you should login as that client & execute SCC5 and also you have a choice to delete the entry from T000 table.
Client Transport SCC8 Client Export SCC7 Post-process import
Copy Logs SCC3
Logical systems are required during client creation
Identifying the client physically as a system.
It is used for RFC communications between clients.
Requirements for creating clients and client copy process:
Enough space à Test run the client copy process & determine client size.
Simulation à data is read
Resource check à data is only counted without reading directly
Lock users on source and target (sap* and DDIC are available).
If the client copy process is scheduled in background & you should ensure that there is no background job should not be executed.
Enlarge rollback segments before client copy.
Copying client independent only be performed when target system has not been customized yet.
Remote client copy can only be copied if both the R/3 systems are of same releases.
Client copy
Local client copy is within the system
Remote client copy à copies the client from other system using RFC’s. More than 80GB of data will not transfer using RFC’s.
CCCFLOW table is used during client copy. If any termination to the client copy process you can restart the client copy. During restart it checks the CCCFLOW table and resumes from the previous process.
Client copy produce large amounts of archive logs so we should monitor the free space of archive directory
Client copy first deletes the tables in target system then reads the new data, block by block from source system and finally fills the data in the new client.
During copy process in order to reduce load a commit is executed after each and every table to reduce the size of rollback segments in the database or when an appropriate threshold is reached for commit.
Client copy à S_TABU_CLI Table maintenance in all clients S_TABU_DIS CCCFLOW maintenance
Copying user master data and profiles S_USER_PRO User profile S_USER_GRP User master record
S_CLIENT_IMP à permits data import
S_DATASET_ALL à allows log files to be written in file system
S_TRNSPRT à functions to perform within transport system
S_CTS_ADMI à authorization for performing administrative functions on transport system.
Client Settings
Changes and transports for client dependent objects
Changes without automatic reading
Automatic recording of changes
No changes allowed
No transports allowed
Client Independent Object changes
Changes to repository and cross client customization allowed
No Changes to repository and no cross client customization allowed
No Changes to repository and but cross client customization allowed
Changes to repository and but no cross client customization allowed
Protection à client copier and comparison tools
Protection Level 0 à No restrictions
Protection Level 1 à No overwriting
Protection Level 2 à No overwriting and no external availability
Check to run à eCATT tool
Check to run à Protection against SAP upgrade
These settings are changed during client open in order to change the factory calendar and to change the Tax rules etc...
Client Transport process
SCC8 Client Export
Exports the client specific and cross client objects in files cofiles and data of /usr/sap/trans directory. Those files are of transport request types: KOà client independent objects
KXà client dependent long texts
KTà client dependent tables
Similarly RO, RX, RT in data of trans directory
Import those transport request types using ‘tp addtobuffer’ and ‘tp import’
SCC7 Post-process import à text files are automatically imported or in order to adjust the import process for text objects.
Copying table entries between two different systems
Source system client
Create export control file as exp.ctl includes
client =
select * from
Run ctl file using R3trans –w exp.log –u18 exp.ctl
Check exp.log where R3trans executed.
Target system client
Create import control file as imp.ctl includes
Client =
Run the import control file using R3trans –w imp.log –u248 imp.ctl
Check the log where R3trans executed.
Client deletion using R3trans
Login as
Create delete control file as del.ctl which includes
Select *
Run the control file using R3trans –w del.log –u1 del.ctl and check logs.