SAP Client copy trouble Shooting

Some Common Tips on Client Copy

Some times we face problem in time of client copy. We can arrest these problems using Test-Run procedure before doing the actual Client copy; we can solve also these types of problem. I have explained four following topics in this document.

q Determine the size of the Source & Target Client & Operating system
q Excluding tables with 'RSCCEXPT'
q Comparing the Dictionary between target & source systems
q Comparing the Customizing settings between different clients & systems

Scope of the abstract:

1. Determine the size of the Source & Target Client & Operating system

For system space planning, it is required to determine the size of the clients or tables in the source client as well as in the target client. Report RSTABLESIZE gives the required information.

Furthermore, it is possible to exclude tables of delivery classes 'L' and 'A' from the selection. Create the variant & run the report in the background.

The report RSTABLESIZE gives the result in the following format.
In this process we can determine the source client size or target client size in Kbytes format.

2. Excluding tables with 'RSCCEXPT'
Some tables should not be copied along with client copy, since they are either not relevant for this particular case, they are currently assigned an incorrect delivery class or these tables cannot be copied for technical reasons.
Start the RSCCEXPT report (using Transaction code SE38 or SA38) in the target system of the client copy. An exception list is displayed. Up to Release 4.6D, we can include a table in the exception list by clicking "Add table". In later releases we can simply enter the table into the list. Save the entry. As of Release WebAS 6.40, we can start the exceptions list directly from the client copy transaction by choosing menu path "Edit à Expert settings à Tables".
For the DDIC comparison in a remote copy, the table must be excluded from the target system if it exists there. If the table does not exist in the target system, it must be excluded from the source system. As of WebAS 6.4 or WebAS 6.20 with SAPKB62040, we can make all exceptions in the target system.
3.Comparing the Dictionary between target & source systems
If the source and target systems can be reached via a local data network, it is recommend by SAP that run a remote check in the source system before executing the client transport. The check report RSCLICHK is available for this. This program first determines the environment to be transported by the export. Then an RFC is used to determine in the target system, whether all required dictionary definitions exist in identical form to meet the requirements for the subsequent transport.
The result of the check report is usually a confirmation that all necessary resources exist. Otherwise, a list of the missing ABAP/4 Dictionary table definitions in the target system is output so that formal problems in the later import of the data to be copied can be recognized in advance.

4.Comparing the Customizing settings between different clients & systems
We can use the transaction code SCU0 to compare & adjust the customizing settings between different clients & systems. It is very much helpful to compare cross-client customizing before combining different clients into one R/3 system.


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